Saturday, May 28, 2011

A really neat online contest.

I happened to be reviewing some posts when I came across a Shelly Watters post about an online contest. It is an agent judged contest of the first 250 words. Also included is the Title and Genre. One of the best aspects of this contest is that for 3 days, we can have other critique our work, then revise and submit for the final entry. It seems like a fantastic way to get your work read and get feedback from others in your same spot.

Today is day 1 of the contest - rather the first day you can critique others and in turn have yours critiqued. In a few days - the real contest begins.

If you feel so inclined to give some feedback yourself - follow this link! The Devil's Gate.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

10 Things I've Learned on my Path to Become a Writer

My name is Logan and I would love to be an author!!! ["Good luck," comes a shout from the audience]

I have learned that positive self advice can never hurt as I am often bombarded by self-doubt and even fear. It has been a long time since I have felt fear in something that I've wanted to do.

One thing that I'm really afraid of, is heights. I didn't know that I was until I was high above a canyon. The same for writing a book. My fear is not the actual writing, but that moment, when I let myself think about it, allowing someone else to look at something that has become so personal. I can imagine that this is a common feeling among beginners.

Writing a book has been much more difficult than I would have ever expected. I've been working on it for almost 18 months now. I've learned so much, not only on writing, but editing, grammar, literary agents, and publishing. I hope to learn much more on a more personal and intimate level of each of these things.

The Drum roll please:
10 Things I have learned since I started writing my manuscript

1.) I suk at spelling and grammar

2.) When you think you're done - you are usually not - give it time - then attack it one more time.

3.) Twitter has been somewhat helpful - [Yes, even I was surprised]

4.) Editing is where the battle is won....or lost.

5.) Writing Critiques/groups or friends are worth their gold.

6.) Conferences can push you like nothing else. You also get a chance to step out of your comfort.

7.) My favorite thing about writing is the unexpected turns that writing allows and even necessitates.

8.) Characters become a part of you

9.) Plot and storyline seem to be what separates a good story from an average one.

10.) I am surprised how much I doubt myself. If I can't have confidence in me, who else will!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Name the Deformity to Ear

Type of deformity of the outer ear.

Take a look and in the comment section - give us your thoughts.

Check back later this week for a complete description.

We will also discuss prevention and treatment.

As seen at Interactive Health


This is Cauliflower Ear

Is an Ear complication also called: hematoma auris, traumatic auricular hematoma.

The external portion of the ear suffers an injury, blood clot or other cause for a collection of fluid to occur under the perichondrium.

The cartilage of the ear, separates from the perichondrium causing a fibrious tissues to develop.

This is pictured above - the thickening of the tissues is caused by the fibrious tissue.

The external ear resembles a cauliflower - and so it is named.

Hematoma is the accumulation of blood in a certain area.


Commonly seen:

1.) Wrestlers

2.) Fighters

3.) Kick boxers or Martial Artists

4.) Rugby players


Can be prevented or limited by Headgear - that protects the ears.

If untreated, can be painful and deformity and even hearing loss.



1.) Antibiotics - when necessary.

2.) Draining - when necessary

3.) Tension or Compression dressing - placed around ears by a medical provider to limit the separation of the cartilage

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The First Page Battle

Here's my most recent blog post from Earth's Divide Wordpress Blog:

Who knew that the real estate on the first page was so important. I learned this, dramatically, at the Pikes Peak Writing Conference. I was hammered during one of the critique sessions and I am glad I was.

Imagine standing in front of 30 or so other writers and having an editor give your first page the once over as you read it aloud. I had worked hard on the first page before and thought that I had a good point of view (POV), no spelling mistakes, an identifiable character and I introduced a pending doom.

My mistakes ended up being large and plentiful. I don't think the writing itself was horrible, but maybe it was. My real problem was where to begin the story. A previous conference suggested crescendo during the first chapter and ending with a bang. I think that this still can be done, but my issue was that I didn't have a good hook for the reader.

I started with a scene eluding to a disaster - not bad - but then I went into a description of my protagonist - very bad - . It didn't end up going well.

Therefore - this begs the question: Would you ever put down a book after reading just the first page, first paragraph, and maybe even the first sentence?

If so, then you would agree that the real estate on that first page is so important.

As I am constantly editing my manuscript - I've noticed a tendency to come back to that first page or first chapter - in order to ensure that everything is exactly how I want it. It's the make it or break it foot in the door. What pressure!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Risk of Over Editing

I think that I may have fallen into the trap of over-editing.  I'm not saying that there is really a need to not edit, but what happens if you can't stop editing.  It happens to so many people, or so I've heard. I want everything to be perfect and to do that, I've convinced myself that another round of editing is essential.

Here's a breakdown of my editing:

Round 1 - Change from present tense to past
Round 2 - Cutting almost 90,000 words
Round 3 - General editing
Round 4 - Improving conversation
Round 5 - Improving scene progression
Round 6 - General [again]   -  After Critique #1
Round 7 - Hook
Round 8 - General - After Critique #2
Round 9 - ?

Don't get me wrong - editing is necessary and not bad.  But, I've gotten into a rut of editing and fixing [maybe changing] something for the sake of changing. I need to finish and get ready to be the query stage.  I was at a conference x 2 weeks ago and things went great.  I'm not sure how I let myself fall back onto the treadmill - going fast but going nowhere.

Therefore, I am setting a goal and writing it down - need to be done editing in next two weeks and move onto the Query stage.  This is what will happen - but in the meantime - here I go....back to editing a little bit more!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Another Day - Well almost.

I work as a physician assistant at a Prison - it is exciting and boring - depending on the moment. Most days, I do anything that a normal PA in a family practice would do.  Lots of back pain, colds, sickness, and medication refills.  Then there are those days when I get to do something fun.  The pictures below show just one of those days.  A guy came in and had what was thought to be an infection or an ingrown hair.

When I cut open an area just under the chin, I found the above picture.  If you can imagine that the body had walled off this area, probably an ingrown hair.  But the hair or hairs kept growing. Soon a cyst-like structure was formed. It had been treated with antibiotics - but will little improvement. A week later it had doubled in size and the necessary steps were taken to remove this growth!

The human body is amazing and so much can happen that is unexpected. This is just another illustration of that point.

Check out more information at: InterActive Health

Monday, May 9, 2011

This is just the beginning.

Here we go.  My attempts on another website. I may have one too many but we will see.  I do love what I do.  I work as a Physician Assistant at a Prison.  This takes up most of my time.  In addition I have a medical website and am writing my first novel.  Well - I should say editing my first novel.  I finished with the first draft over 6 months ago and have been editing ever since.  Thanks for stopping by.